Social Responsibility

Connection with Local Community

MIRAI supports the promotion of local communities by actively participating in various local events where its properties are located.

Blind Soccer WGP (Tokyo)

Nara Toukae (Nara)

Initiatives to Enhance Social Welfare

MIRAI contributes to the enhance social welfare by inviting nursery schools for employees as tenants of its properties and investing in educational asset(training school for non-doctor medical stuff)

Nursery school for tenant's employees

Educational asset
(Tokyo Eiseigakuen Senmongakko)

Consideration for Safety and Security of Tenants

In corporation with the tenants of MIRAI's assets, It maintains various facilities and conducts drills in preparation for large-scale disasters.

Installation of emergency generators
(Tokyo Front Terrace, etc.)

Conducting anti-terrorism training
(Kawasaki Tech Center)

Provision of place to take COVID-19 vaccination

Countermeasures against infectious
diseases in properties
(BizMiiX Yodoyabashi etc.)

Efforts to improve the quality of AM business

The Asset Manager continuously conducts surveys of tenants and AM company employees to improve the quality of the AM business.
Based on the survey results, we reflect the results in various measures to improve the level of satisfaction.

Tenant Satisfaction Survey
(Latest survey: July 2023)

Employee Satisfaction Survey
(Latest survey: February 2024)

Employee initiative

Mitsui Bussann & IDERA Partners Co., Ltd. (hereinafter the “Asset Manager”), the asset management company of MIRAI, strive to create a comfortable working environment for employees so that they can maximize their potential. The Asset Manager also works to develop human resources through specialized education and training support.

In order to provide a suitable work environment for each employee, the Asset Manager has set the following goals.

■ Monthly overtime work averaging 30 hours or less per person
■ More than 70% of average paid leave utilization rate (directly employed employees)

Basic data on employees

As of March 2024
Number of directors and employees (Note 1) 19
Directly employed employees 9
Seconded employees 10
Employees with Disabilities None
Foreign Employees None
Post-retirement Rehired Employees 1
Non-regular Employee 1
Those who have lived abroad 2
Percentage of female employees 32%
Managers 6
Percentage of Female Managers 0%
Number of new hires (Note 2) None
Retirees (Note 2) None
Job turnover rate (Note 3) 0%
Average Years of Attendance (Note 1) 4.0 years
Average paid leave utilization rate (Note 2) (Note 4) 78%
Average monthly overtime hours (Note 5) About 6 hours
Percentage of employees receiving physical examinations/personal health checkups 100%
Percentage of employees taking parental leave Eligible employees: 0
Average training program hours per employee (Note 6) About 8 hours
Number of occupational accidents None
Number of employees on leave due to illness, etc. None
  • Excludes part time directors and employees
  • The figures for 1 year in the Asset Manager’s of fiscal year are shown.
  • (Number of directors and employees who left the Asset Manager during the fiscal) ÷ (Number of directors and employees at the beginning of the fiscal year)
  • Number of paid days for all employees used from April 2022 to March 2023÷ Number of paid annual days for all employees granted as of April 1, 2022
  • The average figures for 1 year in the Asset Manager’s of fiscal year are shown.
  • Total training hours provided to employees from April 2022 to March 2023÷Number of directors and employees

Support for human resource development and qualification acquisition

In accordance with Sustainability Policy, the Asset Manager provides its employees with opportunities for continuous education and skills development. The Asset Manager offers its employees opportunities to participate in various training programs, including by sponsors and external organizations, in order to improve their professional knowledge and abilities and establish compliance awareness. In addition, as part of our human resource development efforts, The Asset Manger has established a system to subsidize the acquisition of professional qualifications in order to improve the skills of our employees and ensure the development and credibility of the company.
(Real Estate Transaction Agent, ARES Certified Master, Certified Building Administrator, First-class Architect etc.)

Work-life balance and welfare benefits

Based on the recognition that the health of its employees is an important asset for the company, the Asset Manager provides various benefit programs that take into consideration the work-life balance of its employees as part of its efforts to develop a work environment where each employee can continue to work in good health, safety, and with peace of mind.

For example benefits

Childcare Leave
Nursing care leave of absence for family
Volunteer leave
Anniversary leave
Long service leave
Congratulatory and condolence payment system
Investment unit accumulation system
Defined contribution pension plan

Respect for Human Rights

The Asset Manager will not tolerate human rights violations such as forced labor, child labor, discrimination, and harassment in its business activities, and will respect fundamental human rights and the rights of workers.
Mitsui & Co.’s mission is to “build brighter futures, everywhere” through realizing a better tomorrow for earth and for people around the world. As challengers and innovators, we create and grow business while addressing material issues for sustainable development. To realize this mission and vision, Mitsui & Co. Group views respect for human rights as a foundational value, as stated in our Group Conduct Guidelines.
This Human Rights Policy (“Policy”) sets out our group-wide approach to human rights throughout our business activities in countries and regions around the world, and Mitsui & Co. Group commits to operate with respect for human rights following this Policy. In addition, we expect various stakeholders including our business partners, to understand and respect human rights in line with this Policy, and aim to collaboratively promote respect for human rights.

Mitsui & Co. Group Human Rights Policy

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