Third-party Accreditation


GRESB(Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark) is an annual benchmark assessment to measure ESG considerations in the real estate sector, established in 2009 by a major group of European pension funds that led PRI(Principles for Responsible Investment).
Currently, more than 100 global investors use GRESB assessments in their investment decision -making, and several Japanese investors, including GPIF(Government Pension Investment Fund), use GRESB assessments as reference.

Please refer to the link for details of GRESB

MIRAI has earned the following rating in the GRESB Real Estate Assessment.

GRESB Rating ★★★★(Green Star)
GRESB Public Disclosure A

Proportion of Assets with Environmental Certifications

The percentage of environmental certifications in the portfolio is as follows.

As of March 10, 2025


Based on gross floor area


  • Calculated excluding land and based on the floor area multiplied by the fund share of the property.

DBJ Green Building Certification

DBJ Green Building Certification Program was launched by DBJ for the purpose of supporting the properties which give proper care to environment and society. The program evaluates, certifies and supports properties which are required by society and economy. It makes comprehensive assessment of properties, while evaluating various factors which range from properties’ environmental features to their communication with stakeholders, such as disaster prevention and proper care for surrounding communities.

Please refer to the link for details the “DBJ Green Building Certification”.

■List of certified properties

Properties with
exceptionally high
environmental &
social awareness

  • Shinjuku Eastside Square

Properties with
environmental &
social awareness

  • Shinagawa Seaside Parktower
  • Tokyo Front Terrace
  • BizMiiX Yodoyabashi
  • Rokko Island DC

Properties with high
and social awareness

  • MI Terrace Nagoya Fushimi

Properties with
social awareness

  • Kawasaki Tech Center

CASBEE Certification for Real Estate

Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE) is a system for evaluating buildings’ environmental performance developed under the leadership of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Under the system, the environment quality/performance of a building per se and environmental loads on the exterior of a building are comprehensively evaluated. The CASBEE Certification for Real Estate assessment is ranked in four grades: “S”, “A”, “B+” and “B” for buildings that are more than one year old.

■List of certified properties

S Rank

  • MI Terrace Sendai Hirose-dori
  • MI Terrae Hamamatsu

A Rank

  • MI Terrace Yokohama Nishiguchi
  • AEON Kasai
  • Ehime Building/Hiroshima

BELS (Building-Housing Energy-Efficiency Labeling System)

BELS is provided under a public guideline, which evaluates the energy conservation performance of buildings, established by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. Third parties evaluate the performance of the buildings and the evaluation result is shown by the number of stars assigned, It is displayed in 7 levels (★★★★★★ - no stars)*.
*Ratings for certifications applied for prior to April 1, 2024 are on a 5-point scale (★★★★★ - ★).

■List of certified properties

Level 1

  • MI Terrace Nagoya Fushimi
  1. Home
  2. ESG
  3. External Certifications

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